Add markets by changing your outlook!

You’ve seen the post that projects significant growth in micro markets year after year! But as the competition increases finding just the right location can become difficult! Revamp your market thinking and find ways to locations that aren’t just the norm.

Smaller locations can be successful too! Three Square Market has had successful markets of 35 employees or less since 2013. And here is how we do it and why …

Why? Because there is limitless potential in businesses of 15 – 75 employees!

How? Small office, think small market! At 32M, we added the Tablet kiosk in 2014 and subsequent small kiosk models to improve on the small market opportunity. Most other kiosk providers have over the years adjusted to the small kiosk movement as well.  Essentially, the smaller kiosk incurs a smaller start-up cost and has a smaller footprint.

Taking it to the next step … mobile apps! That’s right, you’ve heard us say it before but as the originator of the mobile app for micro markets, we think this is a BIG deal! A kiosk in every hand can only increase the number of transactions your market can handle at any point in time! 

Making it work for you? 

Find an appropriate location for your smaller markets, because these markets require your attention just like your larger markets.  To be successful you need to be active in regularly servicing your small markets. We suggest that you look for small locations that surround your larger or existing markets.

As always, cleanliness and filled, faced products in your market is imperative in keeping your market desirable. Micro markets with low product selections or look messy tend to have a difficult time retaining and drawing in purchases. It is worth the investment in your product stock to keep your markets looking fully stocked and orderly.

Your product selection? As we know fresh food items are a key to success in micro markets and we aren’t saying you should immediately count these products out, but here are a few things you can consider if you feel like fresh items are not working at these locations.

  1. Trendy products like protein bars and drinks, kefir, kombucha, high-end frozen products. Remember you want to make your market significantly different from what they would have had with vending machines.
  2. Location subsidizing costs – although this option might not work for all locations it never hurts to see what locations are willing to do for their employees. Remember that employers are looking for low-cost ways to add high-value employee benefits.
  3. Route management and pre-kitting, the more you are on top of your markets and very involved with products, product rotation, and expiration management with promotions to move products when necessary.

Be creative!

Small location means your probably putting in a small sized market! Check out this new cooler/freezer combo options from Minus Forty! We think it’s really cool and the perfect addition to our mini market solution! Don’t shy away from the challenge! Remember … hard work pays off!


Blogs we love!

Here’s a blog we love!

This blog talks about the benefits of using stainless steel cups and we use them throughout our office to reduce waste and increase employee satisfaction!

We believe in stainless steel tumblers so much we’re adding them as an offering in our “Stock Your Store” on our web-store! Check out the store to see what a great price we have for you and your customers!

The Benefits of Using Stainless Steel Cups

The Benefits of Using Stainless Steel Cups

Stainless steel cups may not seem as glamorous as beautifully crafted glass cups, but they offer more benefits.  People may doubt this, but it is actually true.  There are many benefits to using stainless steel cups.

Plastic and glass cups cannot match the safety, durability, and sustainability of stainless steel cups.  These cups offer strong impact resistance.  They are 100% reusable and recyclable.  It is a practical choice.

It Can Last a Lifetime

stainless steel cups last longer

Stainless steel is quite indestructible.  They possess lifelong properties that do not diminish with repeated use.  It has superior strength-to-weight ratio compared to glass and plastic cups.  Glass cups are fragile.  Not surprisingly, they are often not the best choice when it comes to large events and venues.  Aluminum bottles may be tough, but they are susceptible to corrosion and leaks.  These things also have synthetic interiors which eventually decay over time.  Plastic can crack or disintegrate overuse and washing.  These things cannot hold hot liquids.  They also melt when exposed to extreme heat.  The truth is when it comes to longevity – stainless steel cups beat them all.

Safest Material to Hold Your Drinks

stainless steel cups are safe for kids

Every now and then, controversies will arise regarding the toxic chemicals that can be found in plastic containers and aluminum bottles.  These controversies gave rise to consumer backlash.  Not surprisingly, more people are opting to buy stainless steel products.  The natural composition of the stainless steel is non-toxic.  They are free from BPA, zinc, lead, phthalates and other toxic materials that are linked to health issues.

Stainless steel is well known for its antibacterial and hygienic properties.  It is widely used in the food and beverage industry.  Stainless steel cups and bottles do not leak.  They do not need interior coatings or linings that eventually disintegrate.  Stainless steel is nonreactive to acid, so you get a clean taste without smell or flavor.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

Unlike plastic and glass, stainless steel is incredibly easy to clean.  These things are resistant to stains, rust, and corrosion.  They are considerably easy to wash, and they do not require careful handling, unlike glass cups.  You can wash them by hand or throw them in the dishwasher. I particularly enjoy the rust-proof aspect of these cups.

stainless cups are easy to clean

Environment-Friendly, Reusable and Recyclable

Billions of plastic cups and bottles end up in landfills yearly.  If they are placed end-to-end, they could circle the entire planet.  On the other hand, stainless steel glasses can be reused for years.  They can even be recycled at the end of their useful life without degradation.  They can be kept out of landfills.  Stainless steel cups are durable, recyclable, reusable and environment-friendly.  They are a great addition to your kitchen.

Great For Outdoor Activities

Because of the durability of stainless steel cups, they work well for outdoor activities like camping and picnics. Paper cups are convenient but leaving drinks in them can cause them become soaked and soggy. Stainless steel cups are great for not only general hot or cold drinks, but they also make it very easy to mix drinks, alcohol or non-alcoholic. Our specific cups are also very stackable, making it easy to carry to any party or outdoor event with ease.

One Con I Noticed When Handling Steel Cups

When using steel cups, make sure you keep them in the shade or a cool area. I’ve noticed they heat up quickly, especially when you leave them in the car or out in the blazing hot sun.

Where Can I Find a Great Stainless Steel Cup Set?

You can add one to your cart by going to our stainless steel cups page here.




Pick & Ship

Another 32M exclusive feature! 

What is Pick & Ship?

Take a look at our brochure!

Pick & Ship is a unique feature of the 32M system, that you won’t find anywhere else. Using 32M’s Intelligent Inventory Management and your set route schedule, orders can be auto-generated to OUR warehouse … where your products are picked per store, boxed, and then shipped to YOUR selected location.

Saving you time and money! 

Just think … 

No Warehouse/Equipment Needs

No Employee Time Picking

No Wasted Time On-Site

Just the products you need. Delivered to your location!

Check out our video!


Why Use Pick & Ship?

For all the reasons listed above, with 32M’s Pick & Ship concept you can cut paid employee time, warehouse and vehicle costs.

You no longer need: 

  • Employees to pick and box store orders
  • Large warehouse spaces to store your products
  • Large vehicles for transportation of orders


How it Works:

  1. Choose to use Pick & Ship by speaking with your sales person today

  2. Your agreement with 32M will determine your price level, etc. 

  3. We train you and do the work to set-up everything based on your par levels and route dates

  4. Receive your products at your designated location(s)

  5. Stock your shelves and enjoy the rest of your day!


Get started today by contacting your salesperson!



BrightPick … a warehouse solution for efficient product picking, using lighted displays that specifically integrate with Three Square Market’s intelligent inventory management software. 



“It’s a no-brainer.”

One of the most frequent things we heard while displaying our newest solution at the NAMA One Show 2017 is … “It’s a no-brainer.”

And they’re right!  With the BrightPick and 32M system, orders come in directly from the intelligent inventory software based on store needs and specified fill dates. When your warehouse staff is set to pick your store order the products light up and list quantities for picking. Pickers then collect the products and push the button on the device to complete the pick, moving on from item to item until the order is complete. Prekitting at its finest form.

“Increase your warehouse efficiency and accuracy.”

Using this system in our own warehouses we can tell you we’ve nearly eliminated ‘miss pick’ from our vocabulary!

We developed and added this solution because of demand for an easier process to fulfill warehouse orders.  At 32M, we began this initiative in late 2016, as a means to simplify and solve warehouse picking issues for not only our operators but also ourselves. Like all of our other products and offerings, this system is made completely in-house.

“Simplicity is the goal of this system.”

Set up with the BrightPick system and integration with your stores is easy and efficient. No more struggles to pull all your systems together! It’s flexible, no more struggles with device placement, all BrightPick displays connect easily by ethernet cords making it easy to move devices to necessary locations, limited only by the length of your Ethernet cords!

This system is currently in beta testing to ensure we release the most amazing product for you, with an estimated availability date of September 1st!

Ready to learn more?

Call your salesperson today!

Kurk Johnson – 715.690.1384

Dave Little – 602-549-5971

Robyn Trantham – 678-787-9796

Curt Giles – 715-760-9815

Sell The Boss on a Micro Market!

On average a person spends 1/3 of their entire lives at work. Now, 1/3 doesn’t sound like that big of a deal till you look at … the average person works 25-30 years of the average life expectancy (in the US) of 78.74 years. During the half of your lifetime spent working, 60% of your waking time is spent at work!


You deserve a micro market in your workplace. Here’s how you can sell your boss on the idea:

  • Budget Isn’t A Factor!

    As many people know, management is generally MOST concerned with how the budget will be affected. In the U.S., the installation and maintenance of micro market are generally done at NO COST to the business. In fact, a micro market can SAVE a business money.  Here’s how:

    •  Micro markets use less energy than traditional vending.
    • Having healthier, happier employees reduces absenteeism and increases productivity.
    •  A company loses 20 to 60 minutes of productivity every time an employee leaves the building for a break.
    • Companies that implement wellness programs have 28% reduced sick leave and 26% reduction in medical costs.
  • Company Culture: A buzzword or actual tactic!

    In a work world now dominated by the millennial generation, employees are asking how is this company nurturing my work/life balance?  Yes, Work Life Balance it’s a real thing … in the best companies!
    A micro market is more than just a place to get a snack or some lunch. Micro markets offer so much more than the traditional items and have really become the new office “water cooler” spot.  Management can utilize a micro market as an opportunity to reward and engage employees.

  • Working Hungry? Is it worth it?

    Another culture shift in the workplace is employees not taking the time for nutrition. This practice can be detrimental to productivity. Today’s workday is unpredictable and employees spend a lot of time running from one task to another. A micro market resolves many of these issue providing a middle ground for a quick or leisurely breakfast/snack/lunch/dinner/etc.  Here is some stat to support this:

    • 31 million Americans skip breakfast each day which decreases blood sugar and brain function.
    • Having snacks available throughout the day can increase motivation and productivity, and even decrease absenteeism.
    • Employees who eat healthy all day long are 25% more likely to have higher job performance.
  • Upgrade the appearance of your space!

    A micro market can increase the appearance of your business not only to your employees or future employees but to anyone in your space. Let’s face it a bank of vending machines will never be attractive in your space, but a custom, well-designed, and self-branded market will fit in your location and meld in with your locations aesthetics.

  • Employee satisfaction & enjoyment!

    Is there really anything else to say? Increasing employee satisfaction and workplace enjoyment is always worth the change


Three Square MEALS & MORE!

Micro markets change more than just the atmosphere of the location where employees get their breakfast, lunch or snacks. Yes, micro markets expand the number of products that are available to employees at a location and even change out the type/size/quality/etc. of the products that can be stocked.


In traditional vending, an operator is stuck using a planogram that is created based on products that will fit together to maximize the space available in their specific vending machine. As you can imagine this can severely limit your product options!

Micro markets create opportunities unseen in traditional vending:

  • Take-Home Dinners
  • Fresh Foods
    (check out’s  gourmet-to-go meals for inspiration)
  • Larger Products (laundry detergent, windshield washer fluid, etc.)
  • Non-Food Products
  • OTC Medications

On average a micro market attracts 18% more visits per day and an average of 1.2 sales per day per visit, as compared with .7 sales in vending areas. Of course, this varies by location. BUT …

Take these numbers to an even higher level by introducing aspects to your micro market that are not even possible with traditional vending.

  • Customize your market experience to your customer demographic
  • Add popular products like take-home dinners
  • Seasonal products like ice scrapers, hand warmers, sunscreen, etc.
  • Holiday based products: gift cards, greeting cards, candies, etc.

At 32M, we’ve been providing options for non-food product sales and encouraging our operators to see the success of these add-on items since day 1.  Learn more about the options we can help you stock here: Ahead of the Trend Non-Food Sales.

From over the counter medications and laundry/hygiene items (think hairspray, combs, toothpaste, floss, deodorant) to electronic accessories such as charging banks to device specific accessories and cords.

Have you ever been “up a creek” without your iPhone/Android charging cord?
Yup, us too! Trust us, it’s a common issue and therefore a commonly purchased item!


Quality and Quantity - Balance Concept

The trend of Quality AND Quantity is the next big piece of micro market success. Quality and quantity are normally a this vs. that situation.  Not anymore! Customers want the best of both worlds which means balancing quality and quantity.  Lucky for you, 32M backs up their operators with a smarter system that recommends appropriate product par levels and product adjustments based on your customers’ buying patterns!

Essentially, customers want a lot of variety to choose from as well as products that make their lives easier, BUT they also want those products to be quality.  We’ll paint you a picture … you walk into your workplace micro market, you find a high-quality fresh salad or sandwich and a new flavored water product you want to try for lunch. Delicious and meets your nutritional needs! On your way to the kiosk to check out you notice a charging cord for your phone on sale and think that would be great to have because you forgot to plug your phone in last night. And as you are checking out you see that there is a great deal on take-home lasagna roll-ups and think about taking that home for dinner, that way you don’t have to run to the store after work! Awesome! 

Not only did that employee find things that made their day better, but made their life easier; And the operator made additional sales that with traditional vending they never would have had the chance to get.

What would you rather have?

vending-machine-snacks-mdthis? or THIS!1012

vending-machine-410x290this? or THIS!food_shot_1

linethis? or THIS!Family Having A Meal Together At Home

Micro markets … they’re more than just lunch.
Think Three Square Market for your Three Square Meals a day, and so much more!


And Everything In Between!

Your Food Choice, Influence Your Workplace Success

An Article We Love!  This article breaks down the importance of eating healthy and often to maintain your “edge” in the workplace.  BUT, think about it from the employer’s perspective … wouldn’t you want to ensure these healthy and plentiful choices were available right in your building?  Exactly! That’s why micro markets are here to stay! 

“Likewise, employers should encourage their staff members to refuel with a snack and take time to eat a healthy lunch. Employers should set an example of what healthy “brain” food looks like. Instead of bringing donuts or pizza to a staff meeting, the menu should include fruits, vegetables and nuts.

This will not only help improve the health of your staff, it may just boost your bottom line as well.”

Your Food Choices Ultimately Influence Your WorkPlace Success

Article from
Contributor: Matt Mayberry

OCTOBER 23, 2015

We rarely associate our meals with workplace performance, but science is now telling us that what we eat has a significant impact. What you have for lunch can make a meaningful difference in your cognitive performance, energy levels and critical decision-making ability. Your food choices ultimately influence your workplace success.

Being properly fueled allows you to get the most out of your day and stay present through long meetings and stressful situations. Presentations in the boardroom, high-stress negotiations and client interactions require fierce concentration and brain power. Food helps fuel electrical impulses for learning, memory and other cognitive tasks.

Diets filled with energy drinks, fast food and sugar negatively affects your mood, learning and memory, whereas diets filled with fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds can enhance your concentration and outlook.



Plan your nutrition.

Staying alert on an empty stomach is difficult. It is imperative to plan your fuel intake throughout the day. Planning your meals and snacks in advance can take your work performance to the next level — especially if your life is filled with meetings and deadlines.

Decide what you are going to eat before lunchtime arrives. This leads to balanced, smart nutritional choices, rather than a trip to the vending machine or candy bowl.

Keep your snacks or “fuel supply” readily available throughout the day so you have options that are nutritious and provide consistent energy boosts every few hours rather than eating one big meal at lunch time. Healthy snacking is the key to maintaining peak energy levels and boosting brain power.

Your health should be a top priority. By taking care of yourself, you are better equipped to do your job. You should take a break to replenish your body when needed, which is why having your fuel supply nearby, readily available and freshly supplied every day of the week is so important.

Food affects your brain.

If you’re seeking an edge to achieve maximum performance, intelligent food choices are key. To function at your highest performance, your mind needs nutrient-rich and low glycemic foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and foods with B vitamins, antioxidants and essential fats.

The brain relies on glucose as its primary fuel, according to numerous studies on glucose enhancement of human memory. Increases in circulating blood glucose can actually facilitate cognitive functioning. This phenomenon has been dubbed the “glucose memory facilitation effect,” according to a 2011 study in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

Spikes in blood sugar affect your brain and productivity. When food breaks down in our systems it converts to glucose. Having a steady glucose level in your body equates to better focus. You should avoid processed carbohydrates and refined sugars that will cause your blood glucose and concentration levels to spike.

Healthy snacks including fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables and protein bars will maintain your glucose at an optimum level. Eating quality protein and fats within each meal also help stabilize your blood glucose levels.

Eating disorders: a hidden danger lurking in Corporate America.

Eating disorders are more prevalent in the business world than many people realize. For many people in corporate jobs, skipping lunch is now the norm.

“Patients with eating disorders have the highest cortisol level in their systems, which means they carry an enormous amount of stress in their bodies,” says Dena Cabrera, PsyD, clinical director of Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders in Arizona. “They have a high rate of anxiety, perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder.”

High-pressure jobs and executive positions often come with long hours and a large amount of responsibility. Placing a person prone to anxiety in that type of environment is the perfect storm for an eating disorder to be triggered, Cabrera says.

People miss the signs because they don’t expect adults to have an eating disorder. In the United States, about 30 million men and women suffer from an eating disorder, meaning the person is so preoccupied with food that he or she cannot focus on other things — including work.

Unfortunately, the pressure to perform at work leaves little time for self-care, which means that many individuals don’t seek help, Cabrera says.

“There is incredible stigma and shame associated with admitting or exposing mental-health problems, especially for someone with authority,” she says.

Treatment for eating disorders is widely available and successful when the disease is dealt with quickly. Facilities such as Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders have proven recovery models to help patients. There are signs to look for that a co-worker, employee or friend may be suffering from an eating disorder, including mood changes, significant changes in weight, eating very little or an enormous amount of food, changes in job performance and compulsivity on eating healthy or exercising, Cabrera says.

Focusing on nutrition should not be an afterthought.

The link between eating healthy and job performance is undeniable. People need to make their health and nutritional choices a priority in the workplace. In turn, they will be able function at the top of their game.

Likewise, employers should encourage their staff members to refuel with a snack and take time to eat a healthy lunch. Employers should set an example of what healthy “brain” food looks like. Instead of bringing donuts or pizza to a staff meeting, the menu should include fruits, vegetables and nuts.

This will not only help improve the health of your staff, it may just boost your bottom line as well.

Cyber Monday’s Gone But Our Bundles Are Here To Stay!


Hopefully you were able to take advantage of our Cyber Monday/s Bundle Deal this year. If not, don’t worry … we’ve still got you covered! Our Bundles aren’t going anywhere. In fact, they are changing the face of micro markets!

What’s The Big Deal?

The big deal is this: You get a complete market solution in just one click. We’ve taken everything you need to run a successful market, tied it all together, and added a bow! … Okay, we didn’t literally add a bow, but we’re guessing the unmatched prices will make up for it. Think about it – Where else are you able to purchase kiosks, coolers, merchandisers, signage AND product (a.k.a. an entire operating market) for under $7,000??

The Junior Executive Bundle: $6,895.00

Not Big Enough For You?

We’re one step ahead. The bundles are designed for market growth. Each merchandiser is cut with expansion holes on either side to easily connect additional merchandisers if you should choose to do so, either in the future or right now! Simply build the next merchandiser and connect it to the existing one.


What Do You Get?

Depending on your market needs, choose either an original Bundle or a Mini Bundle:

  • Each Mini Bundle includes: a 2ft SlatWall Merchandiser + Tabletop with signage, either a Junior Executive (with the option to customize) or Express LITE Kiosk, and your choice of the Candy, Power Tower, or Drug Store Bonus.
  • The original Bundle includes everything listed in the Mini Bundle PLUS a Cooler and Cooler Surround Merchandiser with signage.
The Bonuses:
  • The Candy Bonus includes five cases (100 bags each) of Snack Time Candies.
  • The Power Tower Bonus includes a Power Tower supply and 10 Power Banks.
  • The Drug Store Bonus includes a 228 piece Lil’ Drug Store display.

Can’t Wait Any Longer?

Click below to see for yourself!



In Your Face … Nutritional Facts

Maybe you saw our press release?!

Another industry-first feature under our belt, check out our newest add-on, Nutritional Fact information displaying directly on the kiosk.  nutrition-2

This new feature is just one of many new features to be released between now and the NAMA OneShow in April 2017. With industry requirements moving towards complete transparency regarding nutritional information, Three Square Market pushed the envelope to apply this advancement well before regulatory demand.  The addition of a Calorie Consumption feature, to be added in 2017, the wellness initiative options with 32M are top notch.
The 32M nutrition information will be a seamless upgrade for all operators globally, going out in the latest software update.  New markets opened in December will see this advancement from day one.

Have questions? Want to learn more?

Attract Talented Millennials


Here’s a blog post we LOVE, written by Juan Gonzalez on LinkedIn:

“Have you ever wondered why is hard to attract and retain good young talent? After talking to several benefit service companies, recently employed millennials, and HR managers, I concluded that aside from financial security, the company’s health perception is up at the top of their priorities. “When asked to define ”healthy,” Millennials are more likely to define it as “eating right” compared with earlier generations.” -What’s Your Healthy Survey, Aetna 2013

Millennials not only come wired technologically, but are more conscious about their environment than we think. For them, a more humane society is important, but also a healthier society. They are very concerned about how our country it’s been fed, and the health damages our food is causing to our future generations. Millennials are extremely conscious about the escalating numbers of young adults developing obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. They say, that is very scary for them.

When Silicon Valley companies started offering access to healthy food as part of the perks when attracting and retaining young talent, it became obvious that healthy food was a key benefit for retain the millennial generation.

If you really care about the future of managers and c-suite executives of your company, it is better to start considering healthy food as one of the top benefits to attract and retain younger generations. Why wait?

Juan Gonzalez – Founder

(CLICK HERE to view his original post.)