Opening a Successful Market – By Marketing …

Congratulations! You have signed a contract for a new market location, and you’ve worked out all the equipment, set-up, kiosk and product details with your distributors, suppliers and 32M staff.

Question: How do you make sure that the opening is a success?  Answer: Marketing!

– Your market is only new once!  You should capitalize on the new and trendy aspects of your micro market – it will never be as relevant as it is right now!

– If you don’t instruct customers how to use the market in a clear and simple message – some potential customers might not even try it.

– You are making an investment into you business with this market, and why wouldn’t you do everything possible to gain ROI as quickly as you can?

To make the most out of your new location utilize a marketing plan!
Marketing/Advertising is like the icing on the cake – the cake is good without it, but without the beautiful decoration and delicious taste the icing provides how many really want to try it?

Here are some quick marketing solutions that we suggest you employ with your new market location: 

1) Make your future customers aware of the market prior to your grand opening by using temporary banners, posters, flyers, and email messaging that will prepare and excite employees at the location.

2) Create or purchase a “Launch Marketing Packet” from 32M – to put the icing on your cake.  Launch marketing should include: Instructional Guides about market features, hand-outs, and colorful displays to attract attention.  To purchases a “Launch Marketing Packet” for your location go to

3) You!  Have a friendly face at your location for the first 24-48 hours so that you can assist customers and help them to realize the great benefits and products you are providing!

4) Have a sampling!  Or call it an Open-House! This is a great option at any time for new products that you are bringing in.  Doing a sampling will draw in customers and create demand for a product and thus a demand for your market.

5) Offer promotions or prizes for using the market.  Offering a discount or giving out $5 in market cash for the first X-amount of customers may seem  like a lot, but in reality it is the greatest form of promotion you can supply.

a) it’s easy to do
b) nothing motivates people like free money!

Other tips and tricks: 

Think about what draws your attention at a store. Is it the 50% discount and cash savings, the smiling faces of the friendly and helpful employees, the beauty and the allure of the location?  All of these are factors that motivate buyers.  It’s important to remember that all buyers are different and to be successful in “casting a wide net” you should cover all aspects!

Mobile Only Markets!!!

Hello All!

Don’t be fooled by imitators of our software!  We are the only micro market service provider that can give you the ability to open a Mobile Only market using our patent application software – Available for Android or Apple devices.

For more information about Mobile Only stores and how you can open a store for under $1000 please visit our new web page:

For more information on our patented mobile app or mobile only stores email Patrick at!

Thanks! And have an enjoyable Memorial Weekend!

We’ve got your solution for problematic internet!

Do you have issues with internet at a market? Does your site not have a pre-existing wireless or wired internet connection available to you?

Cradle Points from Three Square Market offer a permanent, reliable solution for problematic internet locations or locations with out an existing connection.  Our cradle point solution offers a consistent, high-performing wired internet connection for your kiosk as well as the ability to hook up multiple kiosk at the same market location via a quality wireless connection.  Cradle points can be attached directly to your kiosk for a quick and convenient solution to your internet worries.

Purchase your cradle point on the Three Square Market Store for a cost of $595.00. Each cradle point will service one market location and will come with our Internet Data Usage Contract with a monthly data charge of $59.95.

After working with multiple operators on locations with internet issues and extensive testing of the cradle point solution, we are confident in naming this the BEST solution for sites with internet issues.  By choosing Three Square Market as your cradle point and data service provider, you can be assured that Three Square Market is fully equipped and capable of any service requests regarding internet connectivity.  Other options may require you to work with your outside provider for assistance.

We strongly recommend the 32M Cradle Point as the #1 option for all locations lacking an internet provider or consistently dealing with connectivity issues.


In order to continue our PCI compliance we have updated our password requirements to meet PCI guidelines.

Starting on Saturday, May 10th, 2015, all users will be prompted to create a new password for their existing account. Password requirements will now be a minimum of 7 characters in length, including at least 1 letter and 1 number.  All users will be required to update their password every 90 days (website prompts will occur at this time) and previous passwords will NOT be accepted.

We strongly suggest that you inform all of your customers at your locations of this change to avoid any confusion and reduce the amount of service calls you may receive.  Please physically post this in the locations, add to your kiosk message center, or email your clients about this change prior to May 10th.

Thank you!
