February Webinars

This month you have two opportunities (with two of our *fan favorite* account executives) to learn something new and become a better operator. Take a look at our upcoming webinars:

Webinar 1: User Management

Hosted by *Fan Favorite* James!


What You’ll Learn:

Features available to locate, configure, & update user accounts

When You’ll Learn:

Friday, February 10th – 2:30 to 3:30 pm CST



Webinar 2: The Right Way

Hosted by another *Fan Favorite* Justin!


What You’ll Learn:

Manually creating the first store order, receiving that store order, setting the minimum/maximum par levels, setting up the automatic ordering dates/interval days, showing an example of the pick lists, receiving those store orders to your store to populate inventory, setting the par levels to recommended and why!

When You’ll Learn:

Friday, February 24th – 2:30 to 3:30 pm CST
