Pick & Ship

Another 32M exclusive feature! 

What is Pick & Ship?

Take a look at our brochure!

Pick & Ship is a unique feature of the 32M system, that you won’t find anywhere else. Using 32M’s Intelligent Inventory Management and your set route schedule, orders can be auto-generated to OUR warehouse … where your products are picked per store, boxed, and then shipped to YOUR selected location.

Saving you time and money! 

Just think … 

No Warehouse/Equipment Needs

No Employee Time Picking

No Wasted Time On-Site

Just the products you need. Delivered to your location!

Check out our video!


Why Use Pick & Ship?

For all the reasons listed above, with 32M’s Pick & Ship concept you can cut paid employee time, warehouse and vehicle costs.

You no longer need: 

  • Employees to pick and box store orders
  • Large warehouse spaces to store your products
  • Large vehicles for transportation of orders


How it Works:

  1. Choose to use Pick & Ship by speaking with your sales person today

  2. Your agreement with 32M will determine your price level, etc. 

  3. We train you and do the work to set-up everything based on your par levels and route dates

  4. Receive your products at your designated location(s)

  5. Stock your shelves and enjoy the rest of your day!


Get started today by contacting your salesperson!


4 Ways Bundling Will Take You From Great To The GOOAT (a.k.a. Greatest Operator Of All Time)

We see you, Operator! Look at you go all successful and on the rise, making us proud!

But as great as you’re doing, we’re going to help you get to that next level … with bundling! Let’s dig in …

What’s this “bundling” we keep talking about??

We took our top-sellers, strategically created combinations to drive sales in a variety of market spaces, and packaged, or bundled, them together! It’s our one-stop-shop method going one step further. Instead of navigating our website for the items you want, find them all in one place and purchase an entire market in one click!

•The Mammoth Bundle•

Why Bundle?

Bundle for the 4 Bs …

1) Bundling = Benefiting

Bundling is convenient, provides economies of scale, is built for success, and is adaptable.

•Convenient• Operators have multiple needs … Bundles combine multiple solutions into one simple package.

•Economies of Scale• Save money! Bundling saves us money by reducing waste and using fewer materials for packaging. Then we pass our savings along to you by offering a super low price! Get a complete, high-value market at a significantly reduced price.

•Success• We’ve done the thinking for you … We bundled the combinations of products that will best set you up for a successful market. There are bundles made perfect for all market sizes!

•Adaptability• Looking for something in between bundles? Start with a bundle and add individual products as necessary. That way, you’re still saving time and money while also ensuring you get the perfect market for your location.

2) Bundling = Bold

Have confidence! You’re offering the very best markets to your clients – that’s what our bundles are for!

3) Bundling = Balancing

Build a thriving market in one click & still have time to build a thriving personal life. Just think – Instead of taking time to navigate through the web store and decide which combination of products is going to work, you can spend under 5 minutes choosing which complete, packaged market fits best! Use the time you save for YOU.

4) Bundling = Brilliantly unfair

Turn every potential client into a loyal client when you show them what a boss you are … because you spent your time focusing on impressing them while we took care of the market design for you! That’s an awesomely unfair advantage!

Now that you’re on the bundling bandwagon, take a look at them!


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The Age Old Question: what IS a micro market?

In researching for this blog, I’ve read a lot of opinions on what a micro market is … and reality is, they are right. A micro market IS what you need it to be.

You see, the very best part of a micro market is its flexibility. Micro markets were developed as an alternative to vending, and unlike their rigid counterpart, micro market’s are flexible, customizable, creative, changing, individual, etc.

Definition: “A micro market is a small, self-contained store in a location without an employee to monitor it. It’s comprised of freestanding storage, such as shelves, that hold a product and a checkout system available nearby. This means that there is no machine that vends the product, but the system is autonomous like a vending machine.”

Yes, it is all of that. However, this definition doesn’t really describe what a micro market truly stands for, what its purpose is?

A micro market is freedom, to choose any product that works for your set of clients in a specific location.

A micro market is beneficial,  to a business by creating an atmosphere for increased performance and productivity in their employees.

A micro market is opportunity, to employees who struggle to find appropriate options on their limited time during the work day.  Opportunity for an operator to grow their business by providing better options to their clients.

A micro market is advancement, depending on your technology an operator’s micro market system will help them advance their product selection, par levels, and maximize their profit through automation.

A micro market is innovation, sure some locations are happy with vending for now. But as workers change so will their needs and wants. The next generation grew up with and expects the latest innovations and technology.

So let’s really break it down …

For an operator, a micro market is the opportunity to: increase their revenue, utilize advanced payment and reporting technology, automate ordering and par levels, & grow their number of serviced locations. 


For a business, a micro market is a beautiful addition to their location that not only improves employee morale, productivity, and access to healthy foods throughout the day but is an added bonus for employees that can be used in recruiting and retaining efforts.

For a market user, a micro market is the chance to find products they actually want throughout the day without having to leave their location, and the ability to use the payment avenue that works best for them. 


A micro market IS … what you need it to be. 


Interested in micro markets? For your business? As an operator? Want to sell your boss on the idea? Fill out this form and we will get a hold of you!


Are you using coffee to your advantage?

DYK: that in the U.S. 54% of adults drink coffee every day?

DYK: that in 2016 the average price for a cup of coffee in the U.S. is $1.38?

DYK: that the total average of money spent on coffee each year by a coffee drinker is $164.71?

30 Million Americans drink specialty beverages such as lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, etc.

34% of coffee drinkers go to premium coffee places and to get their coffee.

Specialty coffee is an $18B industry in the U.S.

Stats from http://www.statisticbrain.com/coffee-drinking-statistics/

Capture those sales in your market by providing specialty coffee single-brew services! Good news is, we’ve already done all of the taste-testing for you … okay, we enjoyed it a little …. maybe A LOT!  But we can proudly say that we’ve partnered with the best!

Check out our Newco single cup and specialty brewers to help you capture lost revenue in your market! SHOP HERE

Sign up with PodPack for great coffee, great prices, and customized branding options. Oh, and don’t forget to tell them you are with Three Square Market for a great FREE $100 value starter kit!

Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out! Our sales staff can help you make the right decision for your market to capture that top 5 beverage sale you may be missing out on!


Have a little time? Watch this hilarious video by Chris Wauben about his love for coffee!

We loved seeing you at the NAMA OneShow!

We are so happy to have seen so many great current operators and great future operators at our NAMA booth!  We just wanted to give you all one more shout out for all the great times we had with you during last week!

We learned a lot from you! And we will continue to perform at the highest levels for you, and strive to always be the/have:

  • Best Value

  • Leader in Technology

  • Excellence in Customer Service

We can’t wait to work with you the rest of the year, and to see you again next year!


Three Square MEALS & MORE!

Micro markets change more than just the atmosphere of the location where employees get their breakfast, lunch or snacks. Yes, micro markets expand the number of products that are available to employees at a location and even change out the type/size/quality/etc. of the products that can be stocked.


In traditional vending, an operator is stuck using a planogram that is created based on products that will fit together to maximize the space available in their specific vending machine. As you can imagine this can severely limit your product options!

Micro markets create opportunities unseen in traditional vending:

  • Take-Home Dinners
  • Fresh Foods
    (check out tryhealthbinge.com’s  gourmet-to-go meals for inspiration)
  • Larger Products (laundry detergent, windshield washer fluid, etc.)
  • Non-Food Products
  • OTC Medications

On average a micro market attracts 18% more visits per day and an average of 1.2 sales per day per visit, as compared with .7 sales in vending areas. Of course, this varies by location. BUT …

Take these numbers to an even higher level by introducing aspects to your micro market that are not even possible with traditional vending.

  • Customize your market experience to your customer demographic
  • Add popular products like take-home dinners
  • Seasonal products like ice scrapers, hand warmers, sunscreen, etc.
  • Holiday based products: gift cards, greeting cards, candies, etc.

At 32M, we’ve been providing options for non-food product sales and encouraging our operators to see the success of these add-on items since day 1.  Learn more about the options we can help you stock here: Ahead of the Trend Non-Food Sales.

From over the counter medications and laundry/hygiene items (think hairspray, combs, toothpaste, floss, deodorant) to electronic accessories such as charging banks to device specific accessories and cords.

Have you ever been “up a creek” without your iPhone/Android charging cord?
Yup, us too! Trust us, it’s a common issue and therefore a commonly purchased item!


Quality and Quantity - Balance Concept

The trend of Quality AND Quantity is the next big piece of micro market success. Quality and quantity are normally a this vs. that situation.  Not anymore! Customers want the best of both worlds which means balancing quality and quantity.  Lucky for you, 32M backs up their operators with a smarter system that recommends appropriate product par levels and product adjustments based on your customers’ buying patterns!

Essentially, customers want a lot of variety to choose from as well as products that make their lives easier, BUT they also want those products to be quality.  We’ll paint you a picture … you walk into your workplace micro market, you find a high-quality fresh salad or sandwich and a new flavored water product you want to try for lunch. Delicious and meets your nutritional needs! On your way to the kiosk to check out you notice a charging cord for your phone on sale and think that would be great to have because you forgot to plug your phone in last night. And as you are checking out you see that there is a great deal on take-home lasagna roll-ups and think about taking that home for dinner, that way you don’t have to run to the store after work! Awesome! 

Not only did that employee find things that made their day better, but made their life easier; And the operator made additional sales that with traditional vending they never would have had the chance to get.

What would you rather have?

vending-machine-snacks-mdthis? or THIS!1012

vending-machine-410x290this? or THIS!food_shot_1

linethis? or THIS!Family Having A Meal Together At Home

Micro markets … they’re more than just lunch.
Think Three Square Market for your Three Square Meals a day, and so much more!


And Everything In Between!

What is this “Millennial” thing anyways?!


Did you know? In Q1 of 2015 Millenials (although the exact years are debated, think current 20 to 36-year-olds)  surpassed all other generation and now holds the largest share of the American workforce.  So this Millennial thing, is a pretty big deal!

What does Millennial generation really mean?

Here are the major demographic points: 

  • 77 Million individuals in the US
  • Median income for younger Millenials is $25K, while older Millennials average $45k
  • Only 21% of millennials were married in 2014 compared to 45% of baby boomers at their age.
  • 1 in 4 have a Bachelor’s degree or higher, making them the most formally educated generation
  • 38% of Millennials are bi-lingual

Here’s a great chart: 


How does this affect the workplace?

This article “5 ways Micro Markets Serve the Millennial-driven Workplace” lays them out for us.  We highlighted the takeaways for you!

Strong Company Culture

Millennials are not easily “impressed by the sheer scale of a business, its age, or the general buzz that surrounds it (Deloitte, 2016).” Therefore, companies striving to attract and retain Millennials should invest in tools that will foster a strong culture, including organization transparency, technology, and food. MicroMarkets offer quality products, open layouts, multiple payment options (including fingerprint and payroll deduct), and employee discounts.

Work-Life Balance

Having a MicroMarket is a great way to show millennial employees that their employer is not only interested in work output, but their nutritional input. According to Forbes, for Millennials, “a job is no longer just a job ― it’s their life as well.” To attract and retain this type of worker, companies need to demonstrate mutual investment in their lives by offering ways to maintain the lifestyle they envision for themselves while working hard for the organization. That includes diverse product offerings, dietary foods, and the ability to make choices based on nutritional information.

Open, Collaborative Space

MicroMarkets lend themselves well to modern spaces. The open flow of the market combined with comfortable seating, such as couches or booths, gives the millennial worker a place other than the boardroom to interact and collaborate with coworkers. MicroMarkets are the new water cooler.

Healthy Food Options

Nearly 80% of Millennials say that they are using healthy foods as a preventative measure for illness and disease (USA Today, 2015). MicroMarkets can help employers capitalize on this growing trend towards healthier lifestyles by stocking nutritional foods, including gluten-free and protein-rich options. Items such as Jack Link’s beef jerky and Wonderful pistachios are simple offerings to start with.  Believe it or not, many common vending products serve this purpose if you know what to look for. KIND Bars, Sargento cheese sticks, and Orville Redenbacher popcorn are some healthier gluten-free snacks. (But be careful, as gluten-free products can vary by brand!) MicroMarkets also enable the availability of fresh fruits, vegetables, yogurt, salads, and other prepared foods. These products can be leveraged to tie the breakroom experience into a company’s overall wellness initiatives.

Local, Sustainable Products

MicroMarkets enable stocking of locally-sourced products, thus protecting the environment and supporting the local economy. According to a 2015 Nielsen study, 66% of Millennials say they’re willing to pay more for products and services that come from companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact. Millennials want to feel good about the products they’re purchasing and their impact on the world. Providing local products enhances positive experiences and loyalty with MicroMarkets.

Creating Your Micro Market Planogram

Here’s an article that is really beneficial to micro market operators everywhere! Although this article is from the Summer of 2014 it’s still relevant to your process.  Take a look!

How to Create Your Micro Market Planogram

By Brad Bachtellejune-mm_11526616

Here Are Some Great Take Aways:

Operator questions continually arise as to how to merchandise and planogram micro markets. What are the difficulties in creating a planogram for a micro market? How do I assign shelf space to new products when I still have older products that haven’t sold? How often should I change my market planogram? Should I have visible prices?

  1. Don’t apply “heritage merchandising” from vending to micro markets. Micro market open shelving allows for a much greater set of product options. A major operator miss-step in micro market merchandising and product selection is to rely upon vending experience as the primary basis.
  2. Planogram development is a two-step process: 1) shelf space allocation based on a space-to-sales calculation and 2) selection of category products, including core and variety/rotational products.
  3. Allocation by shelving type:
    Shelf space allocation is straightforward and begins by analyzing and totaling micro market sales by both major product categories (food, beverages, snacks, etc.) and sub-categories (soft drinks, energy drinks, juices, etc. within beverages; cookies, salty snacks, candy, etc. within snacks). As most product sub-categories have common temperature requirements for all sub-category products (juices are always refrigerated; chips are always at ambient temperature), the second step is to group sub-category sales by the type of shelves (ambient, refrigerated, etc.) on which they are presented to consumers. We now have a total dollar sales level for each shelf type.
  4. For Example, Salty snacks represented 33 percent of total snack sales and candy 28 percent. Accordingly, an appropriate planogram for these markets should initially allocate one-third of the snack shelf space to salty snacks and, similarly, a 28 percent portion of candy. 
  5. It is very important to ease consumer shopping by grouping same-category products together.  Examples: The smaller footprint and space between shelves for bar goods will enable better consumer access by moving their category positions onto higher shelves. Larger graphic items can be easily identified by consumers regardless of their shelf positions, so lower shelf placement makes sense without losing consumer visibility. Gum and mint items are generally impulse purchases, so placement high on shelving units or near the checkout kiosk makes sense to gain that incremental purchase.
  6. Products should always include a combination of core products that are leading, proven items, plus new or variety products that present consumers with options within a category. The general rule of thumb is that core products should represent 70 to 80 percent of category SKUs to ensure strong consistent sales.
  7. It is also important to understand that every top selling product at some point was “new” and that every retailer has at some time added products that have underperformed versus expectations. “New” is okay!
  8. Rotating second-tier brands within a micro market product set will often deliver a sales spike and also make the micro market look “fresh” to consumers.
  9. Draw attention to new products with signage: As operators add new products to their micro markets, there are two options for their location – a separate “new item” shelf area just for such items, or the placement of the new products within their general category shelf space. Whichever approach is taken, new products need to be clearly identified as such to draw attention.
  10. It is important that the slow sellers are identified and “moved out” to allow that shelf space to be used for better selling items. The worst thing is to leave poor sellers in a market to just “sell through.” Once a decision has been made to discontinue an item, do something to eliminate the item from the micro-market within a short time period.
  11. Micro-market planograms need to be adjusted or “refreshed” for two reasons: 1) to keep market product sets looking new and interesting to consumers and 2) to tweak individual location shelf space allocations according to the specific sales and consumer demand at the account.
  12. After about six weeks following a micro market installation, it is important to do an initial planogram review. A category sales analysis on the new market will show the specific consumption pattern for that location. Category shelf space adjustments and elimination of slow moving products can then occur to better offer the location a product set that best matches demand.
  13. It is best to routinely and relatively frequently change the micro market product set to keep the overall micro market and its appearance from getting “old” or “stale” from the consumer’s perspective.
  14.  Market planograms should be refreshed at least every four months to let consumers know their micro market operator is on top of product selection and merchandising.

The Sweetest Bang For Your Buck


Okay, okay! I know we typically promote healthy food items in your market, but hear us out. Everybody’s got a sweet tooth! And everybody deserves to indulge every once in awhile. So why not satisfy their sweet tooth while earning a sweet deal yourself? It’s a win-win.

Our Snack Time candies come in ~4oz. bags and 100 bags per case. You purchase an entire case for just $72.95. With MSRPs of $1.79 each, (time to do a little math) you’re earning a profit margin over 100%! Told you it’s a sweet deal.


We currently have seven varieties available including: Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers, Butterscotch Buttons, Atomic Fireballs, Starlight Mints, Root Beer Barrels, and Lemon Heads.

Now, make like Tom Haverford and …


