Sell The Boss on a Micro Market!

On average a person spends 1/3 of their entire lives at work. Now, 1/3 doesn’t sound like that big of a deal till you look at … the average person works 25-30 years of the average life expectancy (in the US) of 78.74 years. During the half of your lifetime spent working, 60% of your waking time is spent at work!


You deserve a micro market in your workplace. Here’s how you can sell your boss on the idea:

  • Budget Isn’t A Factor!

    As many people know, management is generally MOST concerned with how the budget will be affected. In the U.S., the installation and maintenance of micro market are generally done at NO COST to the business. In fact, a micro market can SAVE a business money.  Here’s how:

    •  Micro markets use less energy than traditional vending.
    • Having healthier, happier employees reduces absenteeism and increases productivity.
    •  A company loses 20 to 60 minutes of productivity every time an employee leaves the building for a break.
    • Companies that implement wellness programs have 28% reduced sick leave and 26% reduction in medical costs.
  • Company Culture: A buzzword or actual tactic!

    In a work world now dominated by the millennial generation, employees are asking how is this company nurturing my work/life balance?  Yes, Work Life Balance it’s a real thing … in the best companies!
    A micro market is more than just a place to get a snack or some lunch. Micro markets offer so much more than the traditional items and have really become the new office “water cooler” spot.  Management can utilize a micro market as an opportunity to reward and engage employees.

  • Working Hungry? Is it worth it?

    Another culture shift in the workplace is employees not taking the time for nutrition. This practice can be detrimental to productivity. Today’s workday is unpredictable and employees spend a lot of time running from one task to another. A micro market resolves many of these issue providing a middle ground for a quick or leisurely breakfast/snack/lunch/dinner/etc.  Here is some stat to support this:

    • 31 million Americans skip breakfast each day which decreases blood sugar and brain function.
    • Having snacks available throughout the day can increase motivation and productivity, and even decrease absenteeism.
    • Employees who eat healthy all day long are 25% more likely to have higher job performance.
  • Upgrade the appearance of your space!

    A micro market can increase the appearance of your business not only to your employees or future employees but to anyone in your space. Let’s face it a bank of vending machines will never be attractive in your space, but a custom, well-designed, and self-branded market will fit in your location and meld in with your locations aesthetics.

  • Employee satisfaction & enjoyment!

    Is there really anything else to say? Increasing employee satisfaction and workplace enjoyment is always worth the change


February Webinars

This month you have two opportunities (with two of our *fan favorite* account executives) to learn something new and become a better operator. Take a look at our upcoming webinars:

Webinar 1: User Management

Hosted by *Fan Favorite* James!


What You’ll Learn:

Features available to locate, configure, & update user accounts

When You’ll Learn:

Friday, February 10th – 2:30 to 3:30 pm CST



Webinar 2: The Right Way

Hosted by another *Fan Favorite* Justin!


What You’ll Learn:

Manually creating the first store order, receiving that store order, setting the minimum/maximum par levels, setting up the automatic ordering dates/interval days, showing an example of the pick lists, receiving those store orders to your store to populate inventory, setting the par levels to recommended and why!

When You’ll Learn:

Friday, February 24th – 2:30 to 3:30 pm CST


Three Square MEALS & MORE!

Micro markets change more than just the atmosphere of the location where employees get their breakfast, lunch or snacks. Yes, micro markets expand the number of products that are available to employees at a location and even change out the type/size/quality/etc. of the products that can be stocked.


In traditional vending, an operator is stuck using a planogram that is created based on products that will fit together to maximize the space available in their specific vending machine. As you can imagine this can severely limit your product options!

Micro markets create opportunities unseen in traditional vending:

  • Take-Home Dinners
  • Fresh Foods
    (check out’s  gourmet-to-go meals for inspiration)
  • Larger Products (laundry detergent, windshield washer fluid, etc.)
  • Non-Food Products
  • OTC Medications

On average a micro market attracts 18% more visits per day and an average of 1.2 sales per day per visit, as compared with .7 sales in vending areas. Of course, this varies by location. BUT …

Take these numbers to an even higher level by introducing aspects to your micro market that are not even possible with traditional vending.

  • Customize your market experience to your customer demographic
  • Add popular products like take-home dinners
  • Seasonal products like ice scrapers, hand warmers, sunscreen, etc.
  • Holiday based products: gift cards, greeting cards, candies, etc.

At 32M, we’ve been providing options for non-food product sales and encouraging our operators to see the success of these add-on items since day 1.  Learn more about the options we can help you stock here: Ahead of the Trend Non-Food Sales.

From over the counter medications and laundry/hygiene items (think hairspray, combs, toothpaste, floss, deodorant) to electronic accessories such as charging banks to device specific accessories and cords.

Have you ever been “up a creek” without your iPhone/Android charging cord?
Yup, us too! Trust us, it’s a common issue and therefore a commonly purchased item!


Quality and Quantity - Balance Concept

The trend of Quality AND Quantity is the next big piece of micro market success. Quality and quantity are normally a this vs. that situation.  Not anymore! Customers want the best of both worlds which means balancing quality and quantity.  Lucky for you, 32M backs up their operators with a smarter system that recommends appropriate product par levels and product adjustments based on your customers’ buying patterns!

Essentially, customers want a lot of variety to choose from as well as products that make their lives easier, BUT they also want those products to be quality.  We’ll paint you a picture … you walk into your workplace micro market, you find a high-quality fresh salad or sandwich and a new flavored water product you want to try for lunch. Delicious and meets your nutritional needs! On your way to the kiosk to check out you notice a charging cord for your phone on sale and think that would be great to have because you forgot to plug your phone in last night. And as you are checking out you see that there is a great deal on take-home lasagna roll-ups and think about taking that home for dinner, that way you don’t have to run to the store after work! Awesome! 

Not only did that employee find things that made their day better, but made their life easier; And the operator made additional sales that with traditional vending they never would have had the chance to get.

What would you rather have?

vending-machine-snacks-mdthis? or THIS!1012

vending-machine-410x290this? or THIS!food_shot_1

linethis? or THIS!Family Having A Meal Together At Home

Micro markets … they’re more than just lunch.
Think Three Square Market for your Three Square Meals a day, and so much more!


And Everything In Between!