School Budgets: How We’re Helping

Operators – this is your opportunity to reach an entirely new range of potential clients! Three Square Market is the first provider to bring School Markets into the break room market arena. This cost-cutting approach is going to be a huge help to schools facing budget cuts. How? Instead of having to let valuable teachers go due to lacking funds, schools can eliminate unnecessary lunch room costs! A Three Square School Market will offer a variety of fresh, refrigerated meals that meet nutritional guidelines. Each meal is bar coded and stocked by you. Students scan and pay with cash or card, using thumbprint recognition or a quick pin … just like in your break room markets! The kiosks can be programmed to allow parents to track what their kids are eating. They can also restrict certain items if their child has allergies or health conditions such as diabetes.

“With the budget crunches so many schools face, they can take out all the kitchen equipment, and eliminate kitchen and maintenance staff, except for a person to oversee it.” – Patrick McMullan, COO.

Executive Kiosk_White_32mAcademy

Want to know more? Give us a call at 715.386.2233
Or email us at

Save The Date!

We’re going to NAMA! Are you?

Save the dates, April 12th – 15th for an incredible NAMA OneShow. Make sure to stop by the best booth at the show: Booth #907 – Three Square Market!


Keep an eye on your emails and visit our booth for details about our upcoming Hospitality Night, which will take place on April 13th!

Set Standards

Look no further for the best!

Three Square Market sets the standards with first to market advancements and options for Break Room Market technology. Rather than simply keeping up with the competition, 32M is constantly setting the bar … Make Three Square Market your first choice!


First To Market:

  • Version 3.1 Certification PA-DSS
  • ROI in Less Than 6 Months
  • Full-Service Management – We Run Your Administrative System
  • Kiosk Customization to Your Brand
  • Inventory Intelligence
  • Mobile Applications
  • School Lunch Programs
  • Competitor Kiosk Conversions
  • & So Much More!

Call us to learn why we are the leader and others follow us!


Choose The Leader … Or Be A Follower

Get Them Engaged

Your employees show up to work day in and day out, they get their tasks done, and they may even enjoy their jobs – they are satisfied. But are they engaged? Your employees should come to work everyday feeling fully absorbed, enthusiastic and committed. They should feel driven and excited to take the extra mile. They should feel passionate!


According to Gallup, less than 33% of Americans are engaged at work. This number should be considered a crises! Imagine the impact this has on our global economy. Imagine the impact it has on YOUR business. How? Think of it this way: nobody washes the rental. The only way people are going to go the extra mile is when they feel ownership and commitment. That extra mile is the difference between the mediocre products, results, outcomes and impacts and the exceptional ones. Bain research has found a direct relationship between employee advocacy and customer advocacy. Not only will engaging your employees increase productivity, but it will also increase your customers’ loyalty (and referrals)!

Even if you think you already know how your employees feel about their jobs, ask them! Without engaged leaders, there will not be space for engaged employees. One way to be a more engaged leader is to genuinely take an interest in your employees and show them that you care. This doesn’t mean you need to ask them about their recent break up or doctor’s appointment. But asking them if they feel engaged, or better yet, what can be done to get them even more engaged is perfectly appropriate and has its benefits for both of you.

Consider these approaches to more effectively engaging your employees:

  1. Avoid Unintentional Tension

    Assuming the way an employee is going to act, instead of encouraging them to be their authentic self, is going to create tension that might cause the employee to disengage or even become bitter towards the leader and company.  Instead of expecting them to behave a certain way, allow your employees to be creative and seek out opportunities for growth or advancement.

  2. Look For The Good

    Instead of criticizing all of the things your employees are doing wrong, identify what they do well and enjoy doing. Take notice of what gets them excited. Letting them explore their strengths and use them to contribute will get them feeling more passionate and willing to take the extra mile.

  3. Empower Them

    Stop micromanaging! Let go, step back, observe. Give your employees responsibilities that build up their confidence. If they fail, be there to help them regroup and get back on track. This goes back to giving them ownership.

  4. Let Them Influence

    Observe how your employees engage in a position of power and influence. How do they lead and collaborate with other employees? How do others react towards them? How do they react to the position? If an employee feels trusted and valued, and feels like they can make an impact on the company, they are a lot more likely to feel engaged.

  5. Share Your Journey

    Share your experience with them. You have become more successful, but you started somewhere, too. Let them know how you got to where you are. What did you do that set you ahead? What failures did you experience along the way and how did you recover? Employees want a leader that they can relate to and feel proud of. It’s hard to feel like you’re doing a good job when your leader is always perceived as perfect.

  6. Have Their Backs

    Employees are vulnerable. They might not know exactly who they can trust or rely on. However, they should feel secure about relying on you to support them. Leaders lose top talent all the time because of this problem. And the problem is not with the employee … its with YOU, the leader. Don’t let this happen in your workplace. Make sure you’re communicating and practicing what you preach.

  7. Talk About The Impact, Not The Numbers

    In some cases employees need to hear the numbers, but it’s extremely important to tell them about the impact results have made on the world. This is especially important for your younger employees (Gen Xers and Millennials).

  8. Foster Inspiration

    Employees who work for leaders who inspire them are more committed, engaged and productive. Their engagement is related to their leaders’ ability to inspire them, not their leaders’ ability to manage tasks. Reward executives for this as much as you reward them for their results. Believe me, the results will shift as employee engagement rises.

  9. Cultivate Advocacy

    Having employees who are satisfied is okay, but having employees who advocate for the organization is much better! They will do this when they feel engaged.

Employee engagement is measurable and powerful. It makes the difference between an organization that is struggling and one that is thriving. It’s your job as a leader to generate and encourage employee engagement. It is never too late!

Learn more from our sources:
Gallup, Bain, Harvard Business Review, Forbes

Markets Work!

There are some things you should know about markets:

  1. Markets do work, and they work extremely well!
  2. If you merchandise a market well, launch it dynamically, manage your cost of goods sold, rotate inventory in and out, and bring in the products customers go out to buy, you can be very successful at markets.
  3. Putting vending machine products on a wall does not make it a market – if you want to do this, stick with vending. However, you should know you will need to diligently work to remain successful. In time (and quickly) markets are dominating.
  4. If you aren’t exactly confident in selling technology don’t let this deter you. Ask your system provider for help or hire someone to sell it for you. Talk with us and we will make sure you become polished on this. Why does this matter? Look at #1.
  5. Learn which locations are right. If there is a good location, eventually the decision maker will be ready to say “yes” – Even if the location says “no” today that doesn’t mean they wont say “yes” a couple months from today.

Each system has its key features. We believe Three Square Market‘s is the most advanced … the best! You might think another system is better for you now, but please keep us in mind as time progresses. Why? In summation, our system is exceptional and we will only continue to go up from here.


Why We Love NAMA … And You Should Too

Although actually achieving perfection rarely happens, striving for it should be an everyday action. That is what we do here at Three Square Market. Our team is made up of people who want to be the best – who ARE the best. As part of seeking perfection, we seek like minded business owners who strive for the same. Business owners who can sort through the smoke and screens of marketing gimmicks and fancy displays for hard core performance facts and profit measurements. In having like minds, we can together seek the best avenues to provide a superior end product. In return, we achieve jointly our profit goals, the core of each business’ ability to thrive.

Why NAMA then? When seeking out the best opportunities to network and find those like minded business owners, this is the show to attend. “Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $25 billion U.S. vending and refreshment service industry. With more than 1250 member companies – including many of the world’s most recognized brands – NAMA provides advocacy, education and research for its membership.”


Will you be there?

April 13-15, 2016
McCormick Place
Chicago, Illinois

Stop by the best booth at the show – Booth 907: Three Square Market!


What Sets Us Ahead of the Competition

What really makes the big difference between Three Square Market and our competitors? 

1) Our inventory management is superior: When operators let our system do its job, (something we will train you to do for free) you can expect incremental profits because you have the right amount of the right products in your market and don’t have the products that don’t sell taking up the shelves.

(Schedule a training session with our expert staff by CLICKING HERE!)

2) Smartphone technology: In an industry that prides itself on bringing a revolution to an industry, 32M is the only option with a patented smartphone application. ONLY with 32M can you eliminate any lines in your market, put a kiosk in every customers’ hands, and have the option to run a mobile-only market.

3) Reliability:  When you combine our jail (TKC) and market kiosks, we are the #1 provider of kiosks in this industry.  In less than 18 months, 32M grew to be the #3 provider in micro markets alone.  Why?  Reliability.  We aren’t just assuming this, so how do we know? Our operators who have converted from other systems repeatedly tell us.  We monitor our systems 24/7/365 to ensure they stay live.  Failure to do so would mean our inmate kiosks get destroyed and your markets are flying blind.  Our industry best-in-class monitoring gives you the peace-of-mind that your market is always open.

4) Profits: When you factor in the previous points, there is no debate that 32M provides you the best return on your investment in the industry.  Regardless of kiosk type, none of our competitors can match turning a profit faster with a top-notch product than 32M.

The majority of operators entering the market or growing their markets, looking beyond other providers, have turned to 32M more than any other provider by a landslide.  With this momentum, 32M plans on becoming the #1 provider, in the near future!

Award-Winning Super Bowl Commercials Since ’89

One of Three Square Market‘s features, the Kiosk Message Center, gives you the option to advertise right on your screen! It’s an excellent place to show your customers what current promotions are going on and what you have to offer them. Make sure your ads are up-to-date and eye-catching.

When you think of attention-grabbing advertisements, what is the first thing that comes to mind? For us, it’s the Super Bowl!

First, take a look at these “eye-popping” ad numbers

Then watch the revenue-makers, themselves: Ad-Meter winning Super Bowl commercials

And, of course, enjoy this year’s Super Bowl Sunday!


What Your Market Should Look Like

To put it simply, your market should look like you at your best! Pay attention to detail in every part of your market, from the building to the kiosk to the signage … what can you do to take it to the next level?

Are there walls that need fresh new paint? Tables and chairs that need fixing? At a basic level, is your market kept clean? If renovations need to be made, now is the time to do it. Don’t sit around waiting for your schedule to open up or it will never get done. Make this a priority – often the first impression is based on appearance. If I walk into your market and it looks uncared for, chances are I will look somewhere else to make my purchase … wouldn’t you? Building a new market? Let our marketing team create a Mock Up of your potential market space. A mock up is not meant to be used as blue prints (they will not have exact measurements, equipment or signage) … rather they are used as a creative visual to help you make your decisions.

Once your market space is fresh and taken care of, it might be time to revamp your marketing. Do your signs stand out? Do you like the way they represent your brand? Will they leave a lasting impression on your customers? The best way to ensure that your marketing is done right is to take it to the professionals – more specifically, 32M! The Launch Marketing Packet we offer is created for YOU. Using your logo and brand identity, our marketing experts will create quality, effective marketing pieces that are tailored to enhance your market and impress your customers. Why? Because when done correctly, marketing WORKS. See our blog post “Why Market Your Market”.


Does your kiosk stand out? At Three Square Market, we have the ability to produce any look you want. The possibilities are infinite! Give us a challenge and I assure you we will not disappoint. Your kiosk is the perfect platform for going a little crazy. Not the creative type? No worries – because we are! If you are unsure of what you should be looking for as far as your kiosk wrap, let us play with your logo and send you some options to choose from (or to modify).


What do your products look like? Following your sales trends is crucial to running a successful market. Are all of the products on your shelves being purchased? Have you stocked your shelves with products that your customers like? Do you have a lot of spoilage? Did you organize products in a place that makes sense? (FREE TIP: Top-selling items, like water, should be positioned in the far end of your market space. This will prompt customers to walk through the entire market, maximizing the chance they will purchase another item!) Schedule an appointment with our expert staff for one-on-one training to make sure you are using our Three Square Market system in the most efficient way and maximizing your sales.

NOW is the time to get to work! Make the changes necessary for getting your market to its highest potential. It’s worth your time to do things right vs. just doing them fast.