Release Notes 3-15-16

Hello everyone!

We have recently made a few updates, changes and additions to our admin portal that we hope you will be as excited about as we are!

  1. Improvements on the Sales by Item report.
    1. We noticed a few inconsistencies in the sales by item report when sorting by category … So we fixed it!
  2. Warehouse admins now have the ability to view and edit user scan tags associated with their market.
  3. Market users will now see and have access to their Operators contact information including phone number when logging in to their account via
  4. Previously, operators only had the ability to refund users. Now operators will have the ability to charge users if the circumstance occurs.
  5. You can now select multiple stores on the All Store Transactions report.
  6. Foreign currency conversion rate will now be displayed on invoice reporting. Additionally, there is an option to convert in real-time.


Welcome Sandy!

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Three Square Market would like to
Welcome Sandy to our Sales Team!

Sandy Schoenthaler joins our sales team with over 30 years of knowledge and experience being a leader in the Food Service, Vending, Micro Market and Office Coffee Industry. Sandy comes to Three Square Market (32M) from more than four years as the Regional Manager at Taher Dining & Vending Services in Plymouth, MN. Previous to her work at Taher, Sandy most recently served as Regional Director for Canteen Vending as part of her 25 years with them. It is clear, from her past work experience, that Sandy has a very strong knowledge and passion for this industry.

Sandy has a strong knowledge of Merchandising, Marketing, Sales, Operation and Finance in the industry. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Accounting from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. Additionally, Sandy serves as the Vice President of MAMC (Minnesota Automatic Merchandising Council), has been a long-time NAMA member, and is a proud member and supporter of many wellness committees and community programs. Sandy has won a multitude of awards over the years for her outstanding performance in her many different roles.

At 32M, we are so thrilled to have Sandy joining the team to bring another level of great service and knowledge to our current and future operators. “Adding Sandy, and her incredible industry expertise to our team, is a big step forward towards our short and long term growth goals” said Patrick McMullan, Chief Operating Officer for 32M. Welcome aboard Sandy!

You can reach Sandy by emailing: or
or by calling 651.285.3152

Who Needs Luck?

You might believe in the luck of the Irish, but we believe in creating our own success. Maybe you have noticed that lucky people are found by luck often – this is no coincidence! A lucky break is really someone being prepared when an opportunity presents itself, and having the confidence to go after it. Instead of dwelling on your “bad luck”, get prepared for the next opportunity!


Follow these 7 lucky steps to create your own success:

  1. Define your goal

    Be specific. You need to know exactly what you want in order to achieve it. If your end goal is to close a sale, what does that look like? A happy customer, first-class service, constant communication, positive reviews, active listening, knowing your potential client inside and out …

  2. Decide to reach it

    Make the decision right now that you are going to reach your goal no matter what! Nothing can keep you from succeeding if you have this mindset. There might be set backs and failures, but that is a part of life. You need to learn from them and move forward towards your goal. The people who always get what they want, never quit trying to achieve it.

  3. Outline your steps

    This is where you get prepared for an opportunity. If you want to close the sale, don’t just hope you do the right things. Do your research. What exactly do you need to do to be ready? If you know the customer wants a green market, how are you going to give it to them? Step one: learn who the customer is and what they want. Step two: research green initiatives. Step three: … If you don’t know where to begin, find someone who has been successful in the same or a similar situation and mirror the steps they took.

  4. Educate yourself

    There is some training required for every goal you have. Surround yourself with people who have been successful at achieving your goal. They will help you figure out what to study. Maybe it’s time to go back and finish your degree. Maybe you are ready to take on your Master’s. Maybe you just need to brush up on your sales techniques and can do this with an online training course. Whichever the case, make sure you find a program that is well-known and has been given the best reviews. If you purchase a course, buy it from someone who is successful at the topic, rather than from someone who is good at marketing the course. Investing in education is one of the smartest decisions you can make – it always has a return.

  5. Do what you love

    Creating your own success is hard. It takes lots and lots of work. How do you plan on effectively doing lots and lots of work if you hate the work? Find what makes you passionate and set your goals around that. Maybe right now, your end goal is to find a passion and one of your steps includes trying something new every week.

  6. End negativity, create positive thoughts

    If anybody gets in the way of you achieving your goals, stay away from them. You don’t need to waste your time on negative people who don’t support you. Surround yourself with other successful people and you will adopt the lifestyle that creates success.
    If you get in the way of achieving your goals, make a change. Negative thoughts are natural. When they strike, instead of letting them stew and grow, redirect your thoughts to something positive. Positive thoughts need to be created. Do this, and do this often! Visualize reaching your end goal. What does it look like? Feel like? Smell like? Sound like? Who is involved? Who is not there?  Think of this often and it will motivate you immensely.

  7. Know that “having it all” is NOT shameful

    There are people who believe that successful people only became successful by stepping on others and acting with greed. I bet these are the same people who believe that luck is left to chance. I have not met a single successful person who didn’t work their fingers to the bone to get where they are. If you work hard and relentlessly strive to achieve your goals, you DO deserve to have it all. Remember that you having everything doesn’t stop anybody else from having it all, too.

Don’t wait for St. Patty’s day to find a little luck. Get prepared for the next opportunity that comes your way and create a lifestyle that welcomes “lucky breaks” – Do it TODAY!

5 Simple Steps to Maximizing Your Break Room Sales


Vending Operators are given a challenge when starting into Break Room Markets. Traditional Vending has always been setting your snacks, sodas, coffee and cold food machines, then fill. And we’ve noticed that operators that try to set up their markets the same way, may fall short of their potential!

We suggest prior to setting your market, that you step into a variety of convenience stores. Look at their item placement and see how they are merchandising their products. For example, most consumers are looking for refreshments first. You will notice that generally beverages are always located at the back of the c-store, directing customers past shelves full of snacks that may catch their eye and increase their purchase.

The five basics – to achieve a high volume break room market:

– Top-Shelf Items: Highest price points and smaller, regional or gourmet brands
– Bullseye Zone: (AKA eye-level) 2nd & 3rd shelf from the top, this is your most sought after items and highest profit margin items
– Bottom Level: Less frequently purchased items (Larger bagged snacks, seasonal items)
– Near Checkout: Impulse buys such as candy, gum & mints
– Retail Items: Think outside the box and treat this as a retail shopping experience for your customer. Sundries like phone power cords, medicines, chap stick, and greeting cards provide great profit margins and easily fit into a market space vs. traditional vending.

Three Square Market has a team of professionals that can assist you with maximizing your profits by helping you to properly merchandise your store.
Let us grow your business with our system’s inventory intelligence, new products and our expertise.

Call our team today at 715.386.2233